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There are certain cat essentials every cat lover must have in order to be a good Cat Mom. Cats and kittens are overall easy animals to manage and care for, however, they are still little living things that require basic necessities that will make their lives (as well as yours) much easier! I love cats (I have eight (8) strictly indoor cats), so that goes without saying; nevertheless, if you have decided to become a cat parent, then welcome to the cat family tree! You have been chosen.

This post is all about


The information found on Toya’s Truths should not be viewed as veterinary advice. This is my personal experience being a Cat Mom and the information on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance.

(You will see photos of my eight (8) cats throughout this post! I also have 2 – 4 feral cats that live in/around my backyard.)
Cat Essentials Cat Lovers

What does it take to be a good Cat Mom? Patience. I am not being dramatic here; patience truly is a virtue in cat parenthood and bonding. Cats are assertive animals that likes their way, their way. They can totally be finicky about their foods, their litterboxes, their water bowls, their toys, and their overall environment. Cats want what they want, however, with patience, as aforementioned, you will soon realize they are learning you as much as you are learning them. Before you know it, your cat is now your baby, and you are an overprotective Cat Mom!

Cat Essentials Cat Lovers

To me, cats are truly amazing animals. They are in fact loving, contrary to popular belief; and to top, they pretty much take care of themselves! All you need to do is do your part and you will have a cat happy home. Therefore, I have to make this plea: please consider adopting cats and kittens from shelters or stray cats from your neighborhood (seven (7) of my cats are from my very own backyard, in which I trapped and decided to keep. I also neutered/spayed and released their respective mommies and daddies. My eighth cat was also a rescue – a kitten born to a rescued mommy cat. All of my cats are neutered/spayed and happy little beings). Do not buy, instead, adopt!    


Cat Essentials Cat Lovers


  1. Food and water bowls
  2. Catnip and treats
  3. Pet carrier (hard body with soft bedding)
  4. Litter box (with cover) and scooper
  5. Cat litter
  6. Baking soda (for deodorizing)
  7. Air purifier
  8. Vacuum
  9. Cat shampoo and cat brush/comb
  10. Flea and deworming products
  11. Cat tree and scratching post
  12. Toys and empty boxes
  13. Window for cat viewing entertainment
  14. A trip to the veterinary (know your local vets & ER vets)

1. Food and water bowls

There are plenty of food and water bowls to choose from, ranging from very cheap to pricey. It all depends on what you are willing to spend to spoil your feline family. For instance, you can buy plastic bowls (non-intent BPA plastic bowls), glass bowls, metal bowls, stainless steel bowls, ceramic bowls, automatic feeders and even water fountains for drinking. It really varies based on your tastes. Ceramic and glass bowls are sturdier, plus they can be placed in the microwave should you decide to warm the food before feeding your cat(s).

I prefer glass and ceramic bowls; I also recommend you use stainless steel as well. It is very important to note that regular plastic traps and harbors bacteria, even with frequent washing; and this can make your fur babies sick and/or become a contributing factor to feline acne. Err on the side of caution and use bowls that are bacteria resistant. Choose bowls that are wide enough so that their whiskers do not touch the side – minimizing their discomfort as much as possible. Cats often avoid consuming food or water from the sides of their bowls to prevent ‘whisker fatigue’. Whiskers brushing against a bowl can trigger sensory overload,
causing them pain and stress whenever eating or drinking.


Also, you may have to experiment with the type of foods your cat(s) and kitten(s) will enjoy. I feed my cats a mixture of wet cat food as well as dry cat food – premium natural cat foods to the commercial processed foods, I switch it up depending on what my cats ask for, and yes! They do ask. It is a great idea to feed your cat(s) a variety of foods such as raw, canned, and dry food. I also suggest feeding them raw chicken and bones (watch them while they munch on bones because bones could be a choking hazard) to help with dental care. Store foods in tightly sealed containers or refrigerate to maintain freshness.

My cats’ water is also filtered water, which I change out 3 – 6 times a day. Remember, I have eight (8) cats!


Cat Essentials Cat Lovers

2. Catnip and treats

Catnip is a plant—known scientifically as Nepeta cataria —that is a member of the mint family – and most cats love it! It is well known that catnip can help reduce anxiety and even relieve pain. If my cats are overstimulated aka acting coo-coo or if I just want to give them an extra treat, then I give them some catnip for their pleasure. They will roll around in it, eat it and then mellow out.

Did a cat hear the crinkling of a treat bag?

There are plenty of treats for you to try with cats and kittens, for instance, there are Temptations Cat Treats, Fancy Feast Cat Treats, Friskies, Greenies, Sheba, etc. or you can make your own. Keep in mind, you are learning your fur babies’ likes and dislikes, so take your time and enjoy the experience.

Remember to check the ingredients of your cat treats and opt for the healthier kinds, some cat treats are literally junk food for cats, and you do not want to overindulge them. You want to keep your cat(s) healthy and fit because obese cats are at higher risk for cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, other serious health issues, and shortened lives. You do want to keep your fur babies around for as long as possible, right?

Furthermore, cat tummies can be sensitive, so you want to make sure that you give your fur babies time to adjust to their (new) foods. That is, if you are changing to a different type or brand of food, slowly introduce the new food while decreasing the amount of old food. You will know what your cat(s) like as they will refuse to eat and cry at you for something else.


Cat Essentials Cat Lovers

3. Pet carrier (hard body with soft bedding)

Pet carriers are essential for safe passage of your fur babies, especially when being transported to the vet. Some vets require it as it is for the safety of your feline family, vet staff and other animals. I prefer the plastic carrier as seen in the image above, as they are sturdier and can be washed and disinfected regularly. In addition, my cats use them as hiding spots and beds – it serves as another safe place in my home for them.


4. Litter box (with cover) & scooper

Litter boxes comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes. For instance, you have self-cleaning, covered or hooded, and uncovered. Your cat(s) will need a space where they can do their business, privately and peacefully. You also want it to fit comfortably in your home, I have litter boxes in the bathroom and living room. I prefer and recommend covered litter boxes as they help to keep the smells down in my home.

If you are starting out with kittens, then you will need a small litter tray or a training box (lined with recyclable plastic) because with larger litter boxes it can be hard for a kitten to climb into. Kittens and cats are pretty easy to train to use the litter box as well. All you have to do is put them in the box, show them the litter and they instinctively know what to do! Brilliant.

It’s in the flick of your wrist!

In addition to your litter box, you will need a litter scooper. This my friends are what you will need to keep the litter box clean. I clean the litter boxes twice daily! Once in the morning and once at night. I have eight cats, so this is absolutely necessary. However, I even did this when I only had one cat, but sometimes I did skip a day or two with my one cat – I do not skip any days now. It all really depends on how much your cat(s) use their litter boxes and how much you want to reduce any foul smells. If you want to keep them happy and keep a freshly scented home, then you will make sure their litter boxes are cleaned frequently.

You should also wash and disinfect the litter boxes on a regular basis. Wash, rinse, and dry fully before re-adding a new set of fresh litter. I use household cleaners such as 3 ounces of bleach with vinegar and soap; thoroughly scrub clean and air dry for my fur babies.

A clean litter box prevents the risk of UTI and other potential health issues, reduces the chances of your feline family refusing to use the litterbox, decreases the chance of other behavioral issues, and prevents accidental bathroom mishaps.




5. Cat litter

You will have many choices to choose from when it comes to picking a litter brand and of course, your cat will let you know which one they prefer (if they are not using a clean litter box, then it is probably because they do not like the litter!) What is now on the market includes (types of litter) clumping, clay, crystal, recycled paper, corn, and more! I prefer and have been using for years, unscented clumping litter Scoop Away – I swear by this! I have tried a handful of brands and this one has been the best for me.

When you clean the litterbox, do not fill the box all the way up – your cat(s) will make a mess! You will want to fill the box about halfway or enough so they will be able to dig and cover their business without issue.

Sterling (rip)

6. Baking soda (for deodorizing) 7. Air purifier 8. Vacuum

Even if you do not have as many cats as I do, you will still want your home to be fresh and clean! Baking soda will be your best friend! I use it in the litter after every litter box cleaning! It keeps odors all the way down and I know my cats are happy campers about that. I use about ¼ cup of baking soda with every cleaning. I just add the baking soda after I have removed all the waste.

Air purifier, I currently always have two running, to help minimize dust, shedding, and debris sailing through the air. Did I mention that your cat(s) will probably shed, and shed a lot? Well, it is true. Cats have fur and fur babies shed.

I vacuum and sweep almost daily – granted, I am a bit of a clean freak, so having cats mean I have to put in more cleaning hours. This is OK for someone like me because I actually enjoy the process of cleaning; and who does not love a clean home??

9. Cat shampoo and cat brush/comb

I bathe my cats probably more often than other Cat Moms. I used to bathe them monthly, but since I have eight, I had to cut back and now bathe them about 3-6 times a year, while some get baths more than others. It really depends on which cat is smelling like they need help in the grooming department, if you catch my drift.

First, I run a nice lukewarm bath with water filling to about 3 inches, turn the faucet off and gently hold my cat’s bottom and neck. Most of my cats are OK with this process and others complain a bit more! You will have to learn and adjust to your cat’s temperament. Second, I use a 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner and make sure to rinse all the product out of your cat(s) fur. Third, towel dry and send them on their merry way. Furthermore, you will want to make sure that your cat(s) can dry off on a warm and preferable sunny day.

I recommend brushing or combing your cat(s) at least once a day; most of them enjoy it, it is a great way to bond with your fur baby and it helps to control shedding.

No ouchies!

Nail clippers are totally optional. I regularly clip one of my cat’s claws (Minnie), as she is always in my lap and has peculiarly sharp nails (also, she does not have much fur to help tuck her claws in). I use a nail clipper specifically designed for cats, which can help reduce the chances of cutting too much nail off, which will result in bleeding, and pain – you do not want to hurt your cat! Cut 1-2 mm and never get close to a nerve ending, while lightly trimming the tip. You can wrap your cat in a towel like a burrito to prevent fussing and minimize movement.

Cat Essentials Cat Lovers

10. Flea and deworming products

When getting a new cat or kitten, it is recommended that they get treated for fleas and dewormed. I have used over-the-counter products as well as products recommended/prescribed by a vet. If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, then you will want to treat them monthly or according to your vet’s directions. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using flea and/or worming products and remember to treat your cat(s) for heartworm too.

Salem & Simba

11. Cat tree and scratching post

Cats like to climb and watch over their land, OK, I am being a bit dramatic – but cats are in fact climbers and watchers. They need to feel in control and scratch things – preferably a scratch post and not your furniture! Providing your cat(s) with ample scratching posts will reduce the chances of your cat(s) using your furniture and/or carpet as their scratching posts. I recommend tall posts with multiple perches where money and space permit – purchase a good quality and sturdy cat tree that will last for years.


12. Toys and empty boxes

The cat toys list is a long and endless one. Cats are almost curious about anything. All of my cats at one time or another has played with small teddy bears, soft balls, fluffy balls, squishy toys, wand-type toys, toy mice, squeaker toys, laser points (please do not point directly at or in their eyes), random delivery boxes, socks, string, and anything else that catches their eye.

Cat toys provide mental and physical stimulation that they would normally get if they were wild/outdoor cats (from hunting). Since indoor cats do not hunt, they play and imitate hunting; so, you want to make it fun for them. Be careful when choosing your cat(s) toys; like children, you want to watch out for any small parts which can easily be chewed off and swallowed.

I have a cat toy box and my cats pick and choose whatever toys they feel like playing with. You should rotate and add new toys when the old toys are worn out. I also wash the washable toys and throw out the worn out ones.


13. Window for cat viewing entertainment

Window watching is a cat’s favorite pastime. The window is a fascinating (and sometimes scary) world to cats, especially for strictly indoor cats, however, it provides a tremendous amount of entertainment for them. Even if the view is not from a penthouse perched suit, still let your cat(s) window watch (we added the storm door pictured below, to add more window access for our cats). Window perches are pretty neat too and easy to install.

Simba & Salem

14. A trip to the veterinary (know your local vets & ER vets)

A vet trip will ensure that your fur babies are in great health! You can do the full workup: blood work, urine and poop sample, physical and dental examination. Some vets even offer fee waivers and vouchers for the adoption of stray cats and/or payment plans for your vet invoice; check with your vet! You may also opt for pet insurance. There are also non-profit organizations such as PAWS, that will help you through the process of adopting and getting your cat(s) and other pets healthy.  I bet you and your cat(s) will be happy to know that they have a clean bill of health.

Mouse & Dice

Final notes:

  • Customize your first aid kit to suit your cat. Many products are toxic to cats, so do your research before applying anything to your cat’s coat and skin or giving them to consume. Iodine (Betadine) and Chlorhexidine are safe antiseptics for cats.
  • Have the phone numbers of your veterinarian and an emergency clinic (if your veterinarian does not offer a 24/7 service) readily available. Also, note a pet poison hotline.
  • Your cat(s) may throw up their food and hairballs at one point or another, so do not be alarmed unless they have become lethargic and/or refusing to eat/drink.
  • Use catnip, treats, or their toys to get your cat to engage with new things.
  • Cat collars and tags are optional; I have tried both options (but prefer them to be collar-free). Outdoor cats should wear a GPS tracker/microchipped.
  • Cats will turn anything into a bed. You can specifically buy a cat bed, but your cat will probably prefer your bed.
  • Adopt senior cats! They need love too.

Are you a Cat Mom? Cat Dad? Cat Parent? How many cats do you have? What are your cat essentials?

Happy Cat Momming! 🖤

This post is all about


The information found on Toya’s Truths should not be viewed as veterinary advice. This is my personal experience being a Cat Mom and the information on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance.

Toya's Truths
Toya's Truths

Toya is a model, actress, and lawyer who enjoys sharing her life experiences. She shares her experiences on travel things, adventures, products/services and reviews everyday lifestyle moments. She inspires her readers to get out and live their lives to the fullest!


***All content and photos contained on https://toyastruths.com and related social media accounts are copyright of Latoya Duncan, unless otherwise noted. They are not to be used for any purpose without the expressed, written consent of the owner.***